….aaand you bought a used scooter at Scoot Scoot
now what?
Besides the fact that you can now enjoy driving through the streets of Tbilisi almost without a cost or inconvenience, it is important to consider few tips from Scoot Scoot on how to take care of your scooter:
Warranty- your scooter is born and raised in Japan, therefore all of its parts are original or close to original produced in Japan. Also, since you bought the scooter at Scoot Scoot, you can drive freely for a month, because if any sort of damage appears on engine or other basic electric parts (which we might have missed during the initial examination) we will fix them without ANY cost! So here is your one month of “Hakuna matata”.
The reason, we have a month-long warranty is not because we are sure that nothing will happen to your scooter, but because it is more likely that a used scooter might have some issues. Our goal is to ease your life and to take the full responsibility.
For all of this, it is important:
To change engine oil before you take the scooter away: you were asked to add 30 extra lari when buying the scooter to ensure that oil is changed, because we cannot guarantee when the last owner changed it. So we prefer to be safe and do it right before selling the scooter.
Do not peel the plomb stickers off your scooter during the first month. As you can imagine, there are some people, who abuse our 1 month policy. To avoid any of this, we have our plomb stickers that indicate, if the part has been changed without our knowledge.
3) If any other problems arise, please contact us immediately, call or text to determine the issues, provide help for the damage until it is safe to continue driving your scooter.
And here are some other tips on how to take care of your scooter, we advise that you:
Warm-up: it is fairly easy to take care of the scooter and we recommend that you warm-up the engine for
1-2 minutes in summer and 4-5 minutes in winter. Warm-up is required only when the engine has not been used in a long time, e.g in the beginning of the day or in the evening.
Oil change: be sure to change the engine oil
every 1000-1500 kilometres. This is the most important recommendation to ensure that your scooter last for a long-term.
Theft: Do NOT leave your scooter untied during the night. The chances of being stolen in the day are much less. The thieves usually work at night. It will be the safest option to keep in the garage or a place that can be locked. (e.g private yard, porch etc.) But if you have to leave the scooter in the streets, we recommend that you tie the scooter and lock it close to a building that might have a security camera. You could also set up a security alarm system and attach it your scooter, which a lot of companies provide with cheap costs.
Storing the scooter during winter
If you decide to leave the scooter for a long time, especially in winter, we advise following strategies:
fill up the gas tank with gas, so it doesn’t get rusty.
take out the accumulator and store it at home.
3) c
over the scooter with something to protect the filter and carburetor from dust, so you don’t have to clean them later.
4) after a long time of immobility,
make sure you change the oil, run diagnostics with a specialist, preferably by us.
If you follow all of these instructions, you can be safe and free of worry. Hopefully, this is not a lot and too difficult.
The main advantage of having a scooter is to make your life easier and brighter.
If you bought a different scooter from us, read the terms and conditions on the following links:
How to take care of a new Honda scooter
How to take care of a new Vespa scooter.
How to take care of a new motorcycle